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Bamboo Leaves

Travel & Dhayana

What is mediation Means while travelling? Many have a curiosity that how travelling can be Dhyana ( meditation). So, let me tell you something what meditation actually means? It means peace of mind, releasing of stress, calming yourself down, bringing your mind to your heartbeat and ultimately happiness.

Now what is happiness?

  • When you do what you like which releases all the negativity and brings smile on your face is happiness.

So, in this way travelling is correlated with meditation when your soul is happy and your surrounding looks beautiful and when you find peace or enjoyments while travelling is meditation.

Travelling is not possible in pandemic but it will be possible, When you plan to find happiness and travelling to your next destination.

One might think that why I write about travelling or going on vacation Cause it’s a great way of remembering most places and things one have witnessed with their own presence on that particular place. It boosts your memory about your life experience and learnings one have gained while exploring a new world every Time.

When you plan a trip you will get to know that how much you have to figure out before visiting that place and your R&D will make you find so many new things you never thought of.

Travelling is bliss because it tells your brain that your body need rest from it’s overloaded work system. The mind needs empty space to fill new memory and create new films for life.

Meditating at the riverbed or high mountains or flower valley or star stuffed sea and finding that happiness and cheer on your face will lead to many new discoveries of your ownself and bringing change in your thoughts will bring the world of your life a new direction.

So, any kind of Dhayana is bliss to one's mind which releases toxic from the mind and gives rise to new ideas. The next time you travel, do give a thought to it.


Bon Voyagez

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