As the world is dealing with the biggest problem fighting corona virus.
i was watching BBC earth where the story is all about how beautiful the blue earth looks like and when I see around the world today is actually looking blue where environment is looking so serene and calm. All the peace brings the soothing sound of birds chirping and sky seems happy and playful.
Plants are excited and talking chanting among themselves being free from noise and pollution which actually making them feel of coming back to their own land after years and years and everyday when I watch from my window I see sun is setting and it is surrounded by different shades.
As we failed in cleaning the environment so the god decided to clean it by himself by telling us to stay at home and let the air move freely, sun to shine brightly and stars to twinkle and moon to charm us as brighter as they can.
A happy feeing of positivity which we need at this moment.
Just look around your ambience and try to take the best pic of the day about appreciating nature.
Bon voyage