Loving fragrance or let me make it sound little expensive loving perfumes, body spray, deo or scent all have a same common thing that is soothing flavour of flowers that whispers in your mind reminding of some forgotten tales, which even today after applying makes every moment fresh a it happened today.
I still remember the moment very clearly the day i found my fragrance which is still as fresh as it was 12 years back. I in my college days was in the library reading Elle magzine, which has a fresh coverpage. While turning the pages i found a small pouch attached to the book, it raised my curiosity to open it and guess what i found?.............A wet paper cut, dipped into a fragrance which was beyond my imagination and the scent stuck in my head. I got so carried away by it that I forgot to check which brand it was. I am still searching it......I hope some day I will find it.
On the same note, I wonder that with this running life people don't have much time to look back to those beautiful flowers, which were part of their life when kids. I hardly see flowers today, except people who are in the business of it.
Flowers bring positive vibes by spreading their fragrance all over the place, making passerby happy and smiling.
When I was a kid, I love roses and seeing them in every one’s garden makes me happy😊. Today world does not want to make themselves aware of flora and fauna found in their surroundings.
Flowers can lift any mood and change them into the best ever Imagined. Just gazing at them makes you forget all other lookouts, as one is lost in their colours and structure.
The valley of flower which is a world heritage site in Uttarakhand is a place where one feels working on a bed of velvety colour carpet with soothing fragrance all around. Flowers loves us and we love flowers. When you pass by they smile at you making you smile back at them, which makes your day and colour fills with energy and positivity.
Getting up in the morning with these smiling faces at you will freshen one’s mind and helps work more efficiently and happily.
So let’s plant one flower which helps the earth freshness keeping intact, which will lead keeping us fresh for the whole day. Like valley of flowers we can also create a valley in our homes too.
Love 💓
Bon voyage